Greetings from Albania!
As my first month here in Albania is now behind me, I am remiss in getting out any updates! The time seems to be flying by and with each passing day and sometimes moment, the reality, magnitude and extent of GOD’s love, goodness, faithfulness and grace saturates my soul! The certainty of HIS imminent return brings excitement, peace, comfort and hope in the midst of this broken and increasingly dark world. Even as I write this post, the blaring call to prayer from the minaret of the mosque is reminding me of the multitude of people throughout the world being persecuted for their faith in CHRIST. May we purpose in our hearts to boldly profess, seek the Truth daily, exalt and emulate our LORD JESUS CHRIST with every breath we take, every thought we think, every step we make. As I read the headlines from around the world each day, my expectancy of hearing the ‘trumpet call of GOD’ intensifies! (For my precious facebook friends who have no idea what this means….message me and I would love to share this Good News with you!!) More and more I grasp the reality that the Word of GOD, prayer, obedience, humility and perseverance are absolute necessities for daily life….not merely when we just have a need or find time; we MUST make time for seeking GOD ….NOW!
From the beginning of my walk with JESUS, some 22 years ago, I remember hearing, “it’s not enough to start well, we must finish well”. I want to be able to say, along with the multitude of persevering believers before me, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:” 2 Tim. 4:7. Personally this verse has always meant a lot to me, as I am definitely of the persona to do well in sprints but tend to avoid marathons. Through necessity and inescapability, GOD is teaching me however, to ‘press on toward the goal’ and to run this race of faith with perseverance, joy and by HIS SPIRIT. The battle that we are engaged in here on this earth involves the eternal destiny of humanity. Rapidly we are moving towards its grand culmination. ARE YOU READY??? Because, ready or not..HE IS COMING…and HE IS COMING SOON for those who have placed their trust in HIM and are obedient to the end.
My time here in Albania has been a blessing!! I have had the pleasure and privilege of coming alongside Marleen, a precious friend and sister in CHRIST JESUS. Her love for JESUS, HIS Word and faithfulness in all things, inspires me daily. Being here helps me to keep life, difficulties and heaven in perspective…though wherever we are, whatever we are doing and whoever we are….may we keep “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Heb. 12:2 HE promises to finish, that which HE has begun!!!
The following weeks involve further preparation of the wheelchair outreach to the surrounding villages of Korce. At present there are 50 wheelchairs waiting to be given to those whom could only ‘hope’ that someday they could walk. Though the wheelchairs will lighten the load and enable many to get around more freely, the ultimate goal of the outreach is to share the life giving, perpetual hope of eternal life in and through JESUS CHRIST. Please pray for this outreach which will be from Sept. 21st-27th. Please pray for the logistics of the outreach and especially for each person receiving the wheelchair and their families. Please pray for many opportunities for our team to share the Gospel. We will be doing the outreach alongside the local church and with Albanian believers.
I have much more to share…but this is already getting too long! I have attached some photo’s as well that give a bit of an overview of the last month!!
Thank you for your love, friendship and prayers!!!
“Now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20,21
“Tani atij që, sipas fuqisë që vepron në ne, mund të bëjë jashtë mase më tepër nga sa kërkojmë ose mendojmë, atij i qoftë lavdia në kishën në Krishtin Jezus për të gjitha brezat, në jetë të jetëve. Amen.” Efes. 3:20,21